When a nonsurgical root canal fails to save a tooth, your dentist may recommend having an apicoectomy. Below is a guide to some of the most frequently asked questions about apicoectomies to help patients grasp a better understanding of this relatively common oral surgery procedure. What Is an Apicoectomy? An apicoectomy involves an oral surgeon opening the gum tissue next to the tooth to get...
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Not everyone gets to enjoy a mouth full of 32 healthy, permanent adult teeth. Some children don’t have adult teeth waiting behind baby teeth, while others might have accidents and lose adult teeth early in life. Although missing a permanent tooth can be distressing, remedies and long-term solutions are available. Here’s what you and your child or teen need to do in this situation. Discuss...
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All-On-4 is right for anyone in relatively good health who already wears dentures or may need to wear them soon. The benefits of All-On-4 in comparison to traditional dentures are numerous and significant.
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If your partner snores, it’s probably bothersome to you. Dealing with the sound can make it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep. In many cases, snoring is harmless aside from the lost hours of rest, but it could be a sign that something serious is wrong. Snoring is one of the main symptoms of sleep apnea. What is Sleep Apnea? You may have heard...
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Have you noticed white patches or spots on your tongue or on the inside of your cheeks? It may be leukoplakia, a condition in which white lesions form inside the mouth. What is leukoplakia, what causes it, and how can you treat it? Here are answers to these questions and more. What Is Leukoplakia? Leukoplakia is a condition in which thick, white patches form inside...
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People who have tinnitus most often describe the condition as a ringing in the ears, but it can involve other sounds, such as buzzing, hissing, clicking, or roaring. Tinnitus manifests itself in a variety of ways, from soft noises that are a minor irritation to loud interference that can prevent you from sleeping – which can take a toll on your mental, physical, and emotional...
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Dental implants drastically improve people’s lives by providing a foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth and preserve facial structure. Dental implant surgery is extremely safe, with relatively low risk for complications experienced by very few people. Your oral surgeon will provide you with aftercare instructions specific to your situation, but it is important to know what to expect ahead...
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Orthodontists address issues in the mouth such as over/under bites, misaligned teeth, impactions, and conditions requiring dental appliances. Often times though, oral surgery is needed to assist orthodontists in their treatment plans. An oral surgeon will then carry out surgeries that address alignment problems in the patient’s mouth. Typically, these are done after growth in the jaw has stopped, which happen between the ages 13...
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Thinking about restoring your smile with All-On-4 dental implants? Not sure what to expect? Let’s discuss the basics of what you can expect from All-On-4 surgery now, so that you can learn a little bit more about the process. Pre-Implant Consultation You will need to come to OMSNashville for a pre-implant consultation. This is when your oral surgeon will take three-dimensional images of your jaw...
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Our wisdom teeth get their name because they usually come in when in a person is 17–21 years old. Wisdom teeth are also called third molars, following the first set at age 6 and the second at age 12. Though these teeth often come in and function normally, often they are removed. Why Do We Remove Wisdom Teeth? Often, wisdom teeth present problems when they...
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Wondering how you can keep your teeth and your gums healthy at home? Here are a few best practices you can follow for a healthier mouth. Brush Twice A Day For Two Minutes The best way to keep your smile healthy is to maintain proper brushing habits. You should be brushing for at least two minutes, and cleaning each tooth thoroughly. It’s best to brush...
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Oral Cancer Awareness

April 6, 2020

Cancer is a very frightening word. By definition, cancer is uncontrollable cell growth that may invade and damage the surrounding tissue. Oral cancer is challenging because it can change your day to day life, like the way you eat or speak. In its worst case, it threatens your life. It often goes undiagnosed because many of its symptoms are mistaken for other ailments. This is...
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Getting a dental implant at OMS Nashville? Want to make sure your surgery is a success? Here are a few tips you can follow to ensure that your surgery goes off without a hitch – and that you can recover quickly. Stop Smoking/Tobacco Use  If you smoke or use tobacco (chewing tobacco, dip, etc.) after your dental implant surgery, your risk of implant failure can...
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Not everyone needs their wisdom teeth to be removed. Some people have enough space in their mouths for wisdom teeth to grow in properly. However, if you have a smaller mouth or have had orthodontic work done, you might not have enough space. This can lead to complications, such as “impacted” (not fully erupted from the gum) wisdom teeth. So how do you know if...
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Oral surgery can be overwhelming. Whether you’re scheduled for your very first oral surgery, or you’ve undergone oral surgery before, you probably have several pressing questions for your oral surgeon. While each procedure is unique, the following are common questions most patients ask their surgeons. You are always welcome to contact OMSNashville for more detailed answers to your individual questions. Will It Hurt? Your oral...
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Facial trauma can be broadly defined as any injury that causes significant damage to the structures of the face including the jaw, teeth and gums. These injuries can be either soft tissue injuries, which damage the skin or gums, or bone injuries, the result of breaks or fractures. Below is a look at the most common causes of facial trauma, and what can be done by...
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The heart is more than the organ we associate with love. The American Heart Association (AHA) strives to raise awareness about heart disease and how to preserve heart health. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. It’s important to learn about what impacts heart health, such as how oral health can affect your heart. How are Oral Health and Heart...
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Whether you have had oral surgery before or it is your first time, you may be a bit apprehensive about your upcoming procedure. While you’re certainly in good hands at OMSNashville, it’s normal to be a bit nervous. Here are a few tips that can help you deal with anxiety before oral surgery and feel more comfortable and relaxed about the procedure. 1. Bring Someone...
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Having a great smile is important for your self-confidence and quality of life. But a healthy mouth can benefit your health in several ways, reducing your risk of heart disease, Alzheimer’s, lung infections, and so much more. Commit to improving your health this year with these tips for a healthy mouth. Drink More Water Drinking soda and coffee can stain your teeth and eat away...
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Oral surgery, especially when anesthesia is used, can be an intimidating prospect for many people. However, when it is administered by a trained and certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon, anesthesia is safe and helps relieve the anxiety and pain of oral surgery. Three main types of anesthesia are commonly used in oral surgery: local anesthesia, IV sedation, and general anesthesia. Always be sure to follow...
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