Medically Reviewed By: OMSNashville


Screen-Shot-2017-10-10-at-10.10.34-AMWe appreciate our local dental and medical community entrusting us through referrals with the care of patients. As a healthcare professional, there are a few items to know that can help your patients transition more easily into the care of OMSNashville.

Before seeing a patient, it helps our office to have any x-rays or photos taken along with a referral card if available. In order to get the information needed prior to seeing the patient, there are multiple ways to send it.

A few helpful tips are discussed below.

Uploading Through Our Website

Website address:

Visit the above website and select the link that states “secure online Referral Form”. This will send you over to our online referral form for you to enter all information available. We do prefer that you send over the patient’s information under their legal name. Due to legal purposes, this is how they will be listed in our system. We also ask that you select the appropriate teeth numbers along with what the patient is being referred for and the date of the x-ray taken if applicable (if not, please select “no x-ray”). Any additional notes may be entered at the bottom portion of the referral.

After submitting the form, it will give you the option to upload any images or films. Once this has been completed you may press “Upload”.

Sending Through E-mail

E-mail address:

If you are unable to use our website or if you prefer to send an e-mail, then you may use the address above. When sending over any x-rays please be sure to include the date the x-ray was taken along with a copy of the referral if the patient does not have it to bring with them to their appointment. Please put the patients legal name in the subject line of the email so we can forward all the information to the correct patient’s chart.

Mailing X-rays and Referrals

If your office is not digital, please mail any patient information our Hendersonville office:

131 Indian Lake Blvd.
Ste. 100
Hendersonville, TN 37075

You may mail to this office no matter which of our offices the patient is scheduled to be seen in. We will be able to send any x-rays and referrals to our satellite offices as needed.

If any further assistance is needed please call our office a call at 615-822-8403!