Medically Reviewed By: OMSNashville


Thankful-for-Teeth-768x512With Thanksgiving coming up, many people are counting all the things they have to be grateful for. If you have healthy teeth and gums, they should rank near the top of your list. Your mouth allows you to enjoy all the delicious tastes of the season, share news with loved ones you haven’t seen in months and show your beautiful smile to those you hold dear. Here are a few reasons to be thankful for your teeth.

A Healthy Mouth Improves Overall Health

When your teeth are healthy, you are able to eat a variety of nutritious foods, including crisp raw fruits and vegetables, chewy protein and crunchy nuts. An unhealthy mouth leads to tooth decay and can indicate other more serious health problems like heart disease and diabetes.

Your Teeth Help You Speak

Try to say, “three thankful turkeys” without your teeth. You couldn’t do it! Healthy teeth help you carry on conversations throughout the holidays. They also help you ask for more pecan pie.

A Beautiful Smile Shows Confidence

When you smile, it lights up your whole face. Your smile starts at your mouth and travels up your cheeks to your eyes. People who have healthy teeth aren’t afraid to let them show and are more likely to laugh or start a conversation with a stranger. People whose teeth are discolored, chipped or missing often feel embarrassed. They try not to smile and are hesitant to speak and show what’s going on behind their lips.

Healthy Teeth Have Fresh Breath

When you know your teeth are sparkling clean, you don’t worry about whispering a secret to your best friend or giving your loved one a kiss. You can enjoy intimate conversations or tender hugs no matter what the season.

When teeth aren’t clean, bacteria builds up between teeth and below the gum line. Teeth start to decay, causing bad breath. If you currently have healthy teeth, daily brushing and flossing along with regular dental visits will keep your teeth healthy and your breath fresh.

Good Dental Health Saves Money

If you’ve ever needed a root canal or treatment for gum disease, you know how expensive dental problems can be. Regular dentist visits are normally covered under your dental insurance, so x-rays and biannual cleanings cost very little. You’ll especially appreciate that savings around the holidays when you have much more exciting ways to spend your money.

At OMSNashville, we’re thankful for the patients that have trusted us to help maintain their oral health for over 28 years. Let us help you keep your healthy smile when you schedule an appointment today.

The information and content on our website should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment or advice from your doctor.