Medically Reviewed By: OMSNashville


Dental-Implant-Success-Nashville-768x482Getting a dental implant at OMS Nashville? Want to make sure your surgery is a success?

Here are a few tips you can follow to ensure that your surgery goes off without a hitch – and that you can recover quickly.

  1. Stop Smoking/Tobacco Use 

If you smoke or use tobacco (chewing tobacco, dip, etc.) after your dental implant surgery, your risk of implant failure can rise significantly. Tobacco use interferes with proper healing, and can cause your implant to fail. This is a great opportunity to quit using tobacco – take advantage of it!

  1. Follow Your Oral Surgeon’s Pre And Post-Surgery Instructions

Your oral surgeon will give you instructions on preparing for surgery. For example, you may need to avoid eating on the morning of the procedure if you’re being sedated. Make sure to follow these instructions.

You’ll also get a comprehensive guide to recovering from a dental implant. Follow the instructions in this guide to the “T” to reduce your risk of infection and ensure your implant heals properly.

  1. Come To All Of Your Follow-Up Appointments

You’ll have a follow-up appointment a few weeks after your procedure. Depending on your case, your surgeon at OMS Nashville may schedule a few more follow-ups to check your healing progress and begin making your dental implant restoration. Make sure you come to all of these follow-ups!

  1. Keep Your Mouth Healthy With Proper Dental Hygiene

Even when healing from your implant surgery, you’ll need to brush your teeth and clean the area around your implant. After about 2 weeks, you can usually start brushing your implant normally. Make sure you keep brushing at least twice per day, and flossing once per day to keep your mouth healthy and ensure your implant heals properly.

  1. Keep Seeing Your Dentist Every Six Months For Teeth Cleanings

Once your implant heals and we place your restoration, you’ll need to have it cleaned along with the rest of your teeth during your twice-yearly teeth cleanings. Make sure you keep seeing your dentist regularly for cleanings, so that they can keep an eye on the health of your teeth, your gums, and your dental implant!

Follow These Tips For Dental Implant Success!

If you follow these steps after getting a dental implant, you’re sure to speed up the healing process, and keep your implant healthy for years to come. Interested in a dental? Give us a call at (615) 822-8403 to schedule your appointment now.

The information and content on our website should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment or advice from your doctor.