Medically Reviewed By: OMSNashville


Tooth human implant, 3d illustrationDental implants restorations can serve as an alternative to dentures and can help individuals regain confidence in their ability to smile and engage in a normal social life. While dentistry professionals see the benefits of dental implants, many patients hesitate before making the decision to invest in dental implants. Here are some of the most common misconceptions we see regarding the procedure and the finished results:

  • The procedure will significantly disrupt my daily life. While the traditional procedure takes three to six months to fully complete, most patients continue to live their daily lives without much disruption. After we place the implants, patients must wait several weeks before. During the process, patients can return to their routines.Also, with the All-on-4® dental implant treatment option, patients can receive a fitted, full-arch prosthesis on the same day as their surgery!
  • The implants will feel uncomfortable. Immediately after the implant surgery, patients may notice some discomfort, but the implants themselves do not cause long-term pain. Once completed, the implants feel and look exactly like natural teeth.
  • I could never afford to purchase dental implants. Dental implants are not inexpensive, but the long-term expenses of dentures, bridges, and other procedures could cost as much or more than the dental implant procedure. Consider the costs and benefits over time before you decide to rely on alternative solutions.

Dental implants give people of all ages the security and confidence to live their lives. Instead of dealing with the daily routine of inserting a denture or partial, they can treat their implanted teeth as a natural part of their oral structures. The technology for dental implants advances every year, and individuals can receive an implant for one tooth or an entire segment of teeth. Have more questions or concerns? Contact OMS Nashville for a consultation today.

The information and content on our website should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment or advice from your doctor.