All on 4 Treatment Concept
The All-on-4® dental implant treatment concept is a minimally invasive solution with a fixed full-arch restoration for high patient satisfaction. This technique uses fewer implants that are placed at mechanical inclinations to maximize support. Fewer dental implants mean lower cost. The use of angled implant placement allows us to avoid anatomical areas that previously required bone grafting. Eliminating the need for bone grafting saves months in healing and thousands of dollars.
Why All-on-4 Dental Implants?
Rapid improvement in quality of life
The All-on-4® treatment concept provides edentulous and soon-to-be edentulous patients with a fixed full-arch prosthesis on four implants on the day of surgery. This quickly leads to improved patient satisfaction – with regards to function, esthetics, sense, speech, and self-esteem.
Lower costs
The All-on-4® treatment concept is not only the least time-consuming treatment option, but also the least costly in comparison with conventional implant treatment modalities of the edentulous and soon-to-be edentulous jaw.
Shorter treatment times
Two key elements significantly reduce treatment complexity, the number of surgeries, and the overall treatment time: tilting of the posterior implants avoids the need for time-consuming bone grafting procedures, while immediate loading shortens time to teeth.
Stability even in minimum bone volume
By tilting the two posterior implants, longer implants can be used. This increases bone-to-implant contact and avoids vertical bone augmentation. In addition, the tilted implants can be anchored in better quality anterior bone, reduce cantilevers and help avoid important anatomical structures.
Our Process for All-on-4® Dental Implants
The All-on-4® process begins when you visit one of our surgeons for a consultation. During this appointment, your doctor will verify your eligibility for a safe and successful procedure, and also answer any questions you have about the treatment.
In some cases, you may need additional procedures to prepare for All-on-4® dental implants. These procedures may include tooth extraction or bone grafting. Following the completion of these procedures, your All-on-4® appointment can be scheduled.
The Procedure for All-on-4® Dental Implants
All-on-4® treatment is performed with full anesthesia. When you arrive, you will be warmly welcomed, escorted to a treatment room, and provided with sedation options. Your comfort and safety are top priorities throughout treatment.
All-on-4® involves the placement of a few dental implants, strategically positioned to support full dental restoration. During your appointment, your doctor will also place dental prostheses, ensuring that you leave with a full, confident smile. The procedure usually takes a couple of hours, and you will subsequently be discharged to head home for recovery.
Recovery and Aftercare from Dental Implant Surgery
For most patients, All-on-4® recovery is fairly mild. You will likely want to spend two or three days resting, after which you can resume normal school and work activities. Abstain from vigorous exercise for a full month.
As you recover, it is normal to experience some swelling and mild discomfort. These symptoms tend to crest by day two or three and are easy to mediate with prescribed and over-the-counter medications. We also recommend adhering to a diet of soft foods and liquids until you feel able to resume a normal eating pattern.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Can I Eat While the Implants Heal?
As your implants heal, it is important to stick to soft foods and liquids for a few days. Avoid anything spicy, extremely hot, or extremely cold. Some good options include applesauce, broth, cottage cheese, yogurt, rice, soft bread, and flakey fish.
You may gradually transition back to your normal diet as you feel able, but it will be important to abstain from anything sticky, hard, or crunchy. You will receive more detailed eating instructions before you are discharged from surgery.
What Are the Risks Associated with Getting All-on-4® Dental Implants?
Any surgery carries some level of risk, but the risk associated with All-on-4® is fairly mild. The most significant risk is infection, which you can mediate by carefully adhering to aftercare instructions, abiding by dietary guidelines, and ensuring consistent dental hygiene. You can also mitigate surgical risk by ensuring you select a qualified oral surgeon.
How Long Will the Dental Implants Last?
Dental implants are designed to be long-lasting. With the right maintenance and care, they can potentially last the rest of your life. The best things you can do to preserve your dental implants are to brush and floss daily, and to ensure consistent check-ups with your dentist. Note that while the implants themselves are made to last, your custom prosthesis may need to be eventually replaced, as it takes on so much wear and tear.