Male model for dental implant procedure.
When you decide to replace missing teeth with dental implants, determining who should perform the procedure is the next step. While your dentist may be your consultant in choosing the best replacement option for missing teeth, working with an oral surgeon to install implants offers clear advantages. The board-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeons at OMSNashville are well-qualified to perform dental implant procedures and treatments like...
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Female model for dental implants.
Tooth loss remains a common occurrence, even though the number of adults who have lost all of their teeth is less common than it used to be. However, even with fewer adults losing teeth, the American College of Prosthodontics reports that over 36 million Americans have complete tooth loss, and 120 million are missing at least one permanent tooth. OMSNashville Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery’s nine...
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Female model for dental implants.
There are many reasons you may choose dentures. Dentures are an inexpensive option to restore missing teeth, and they are easy to clean and maintain. However, dentures also have some significant drawbacks that may make you question your choice and wonder if dental implants are still an option. Fortunately, regardless of how long you have had your dentures, dental implants can still be an option...
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Male model for dental implants.
Many patients and dental professionals prefer dental implants as the most natural-looking option to restore lost teeth. However, while most patients are good candidates for dental implants, certain medical conditions can complicate the procedure The skilled surgical team at OMSNashville strives to ensure all patients undergoing procedures like dental implant placement are medically qualified for the surgery to achieve the optimal outcome.  You can take...
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Dental implants are changing the way that people live their lives. They can eat, speak, and smile without worrying about a missing tooth. A dental implant is a metal post that is inserted into the jawbone of a patient to replace an extracted tooth or teeth. This metal post, or artificial tooth root, acts like the natural tooth root that your teeth once rested on....
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All On 4 Patient Info
  If you are missing multiple teeth or an entire arch worth of teeth, All-On-4 implant restorations might be right for you. All-On-4, also known as full arch dental reconstruction, is an option to replace all of the teeth in an arch (upper or lower) at one time. This procedure uses permanent and stable dental implants to support a full prosthesis that replicates real teeth....
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Dental implants kids nashville
Dental implants are a method for replacing teeth that have been lost or damaged. A dental implant is a titanium screw that acts as an artificial root for your tooth. The implants are placed in your jawbone and integrate with your natural bone to become a base for supporting artificial teeth, called crowns. This procedure has been around for 30+ years and is considered one...
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In modern dentistry, dental implants are considered the “gold standard” for replacing one or multiple missing teeth. In the past, teeth were often replaced by dentures or dental bridges, but dental implants have surpassed these options, and offer a better alternative. So, why should you opt for dental implants instead of dentures? Let’s discuss just a few of the reasons below. 1. Dental Implants And...
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Dental implants are bringing smiles back, but is the procedure right for you? Dental implants are one of the best solutions utilized by oral professionals, to replace a patient’s missing teeth. The process can help to fix issues with chewing, speech, as well as creating a more pleasing look and smile for the patient. How does it work? Once a tooth and its natural root...
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Dental implants drastically improve people’s lives by providing a foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth and preserve facial structure. Dental implant surgery is extremely safe, with relatively low risk for complications experienced by very few people. Your oral surgeon will provide you with aftercare instructions specific to your situation, but it is important to know what to expect ahead...
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Getting a dental implant at OMS Nashville? Want to make sure your surgery is a success? Here are a few tips you can follow to ensure that your surgery goes off without a hitch – and that you can recover quickly. Stop Smoking/Tobacco Use  If you smoke or use tobacco (chewing tobacco, dip, etc.) after your dental implant surgery, your risk of implant failure can...
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The holiday season is here, bringing for most people a time of family, friends and food. If you have missing teeth, it can be a challenging time of year. Eating some foods is uncomfortable and smiling at those close to you exposes gaps you’d rather keep hidden. If all you want for Christmas is a healthy smile, here’s what you need to know. Missing Teeth...
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Dental implants restorations can serve as an alternative to dentures and can help individuals regain confidence in their ability to smile and engage in a normal social life. While dentistry professionals see the benefits of dental implants, many patients hesitate before making the decision to invest in dental implants. Here are some of the most common misconceptions we see regarding the procedure and the finished...
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Even with the steady advances in dental care practices and technology, millions of people across the nation still experience tooth loss, often resulting from tooth decay, periodontal disease, or damage. In the past, only two remedies have been available for tooth loss. Those were dentures and bridges. However, today dental implants are available, and they have become one of the most popular options for replacing...
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Losing a tooth as an adult is not quite as magical as it was when you were a kid and the tooth fairy would leave money under your pillow. You can lose a permanent tooth because of a crack, decay, or infection, and the process can be stressful. Most people assume they will not lose any adult teeth, but around 178 million people in the...
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